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Category is kind of segmenting your product under some sets and names. On the eCommerce section, it will help help you to keep your products organised.

This is how the category page looks like initially. The table will give you the list of categories you have along with the subcategories count.

Create a New Category

If you are about to build your own inventory in this platform, always starts with categories. It will help you to segment the product that you will add in the future.

Now to create a new category, click the “Add Category” button above the table.

After this, enter the category name, upload image for the category and select a rank for category to display when there are multiple categories to show.

Then, click Continue button.

You can add subcategories, remove the categories in bulk, preview, and edit particular category using the submenu straight to every category.

Hope this article helps you to learn more about categories in our eCommerce module on Chatrace platform.

If you have any other doubts or queries, visit other articles on the knowledge base or interaction with our community or contact our support to get your doubts cleared.

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