Shipping Settings

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In the Chatrace platform, eCommerce sections have separate settings where you can customize most of the things related to the eCommerce.

Generally, we divided this eCommerce settings into two four divisions as of now. They are

  1. General,
  2. Payments,
  3. Shipping,
  4. Checkout
General eCommerce Settings - chatrace

In this article, we will take a look into the shipping setting in the Chatrace eCommerce section.

And this is what the shipping settings in the eCommerce section look like.

shipping settings - chatrace

In this shipping settings tab,

Shipping Type – This field will let you choose options among,

  1. Ship to the Customer – You can collect customer location details and ship your product to your customer’s address.
  2. Pickup in the Store  – You can send store location to your customers so that they can collect the order from your store’s physical location.
  3. Both – You can select both options to make it up to your customers on selecting the product delivery options.

Store address – This address is shown to the customer in the checkout page if you allow pick up in the store.

Shipping countries – Select the list of countries that you can ship your products for delivery.

Default Shipping country – United States” will be chosen as a shipping country by default. You can change that to any other countries based on your business. 

Delivery cost – Fill the value that you will charge as the delivery cost for the products.

  • If you don’t charge any money as delivery cost, leave it as blank or put “Zero (0)” as a value.
  • If you had different delivery costs for different locations, you can upload that by selecting the “Set Cost per Location” text below the delivery cost field.  To know more, read this article: “How to set delivery cost based on Location?”

Hope this article helps you to know more about “Shipping Settings” in our eCommerce module on Chatrace platform.

If you have any other doubts or queries, visit other articles on the knowledge base or interaction with our community or contact our support to get your doubts cleared.

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