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Zapier integration allows you to send data from your bot to any other apps on Zapier. Also, you can send data from Any other app to your bot using Zapier.

How to find and connect Chatrace Zapier App

Navigate to Settings > Integration > Zapier

Click the “Chatrace in Zapier” button and accept the invitation to use our Zapier App.

Send data from your bot to Zapier

Chatrace provides many triggers that allow you to send data from your bot to Zapier. For example, you can automatically send contact data every time a tag is applied to a contact, a custom field value changes, a conversation is moved to a human or bot, and much more. Please check Zapier to see all triggers that Chatrace Zapier has.

There is a special trigger that allows you to send data from your bot to Zapier at any time during your automation. Use Actions > Trigger > Trigger Zapier action. Provide any name to your Zapier action.

After setup your flow that will send the data to Zapier. Go to Zapier and use the New “Trigger a Zap” Event trigger.

Below are all triggers available that allow you to send data from your bot to Zapier

Send data from Zapier to your bot

From Zapier you can add tags to a contact, set a contact custom fields, send flows to a contact, and much more.

Bellow are all actions available on Zapier that allow you to send data to Chatrace or trigger automation from Zapier.

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